Magnesium plays a really important role in the body and is certainly one of the most crucial minerals to our overall health. It’s actually involved in over 300 biochemical functions in the body, such as regulating heartbeat rhythms and helping neurotransmitter functions.
It’s estimated that 80% of adults are deficient in this mineral, and you’ll probably know if you’re deficient through these noticeable negative symptoms:
– Muscle aches or spasms
– Poor digestion
– Anxiety
– Trouble sleeping
– Twitching eyes
– Evening leg cramps
– Abnormal heart rhythms
I know that if I don’t take magnesium regularly, I have terrible leg cramps before I go to sleep at night.
There are some foods that are rich in magnesium such as spinach leaves, pumpkin seeds, bananas, quinoa, almonds and avocados.
Additionally, you can use a magnesium supplement to combat deficiency. Personally, I use a powder almost everyday that dissolves in my water.
This is what amazing benefits magnesium can bring to the body:
– Increased energy
– Calms the nerves
– Helps you fall asleep and treat insomnia
– Helps with digestion and relieving constipation
– Relieves muscle aches and spasms
– Regulates levels of calcium and potassium
– Important for heart health
– Prevents migraine headaches
– Helps prevent osteoporosis
When you engage in any form of exercise, you should ensure that you’re replacing electrolytes and minerals that you lose when you sweat (particularly in the HOT YOGA). It’s important to take magnesium during the challenge! Another tip is to pop a pinch of Himalayan salt in your water to replace any sodium you’ve lost whilst exercising.
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